How do I find the perfect wedding location?

Hochzeit auf Schloss EckbergYou're in the middle of wedding preparations, you're reading wedding magazines, filling your Pinterest Moodboards with ever new great inspirations. Countless possibilities how you could arrange your big day lie before you ... and yet you still have the feeling that you are not making much progress?

Probably the most important task during the planning period is to focus and find out what you really care about.

Already during the search for the wedding location it becomes obvious: Your expectations are high and the dream location should best meet all criteria. With the wealth of experience from 11 years of wedding planning, I can assure you that these PERFECT places are very rare to find. Be it the green meadow, the adjacent lake, the overnight accommodations directly in the house or or or, often the location does not meet at least one point on your must-have list.

The good news is, it doesn't really matter, because now the gut comes into play. Where do you feel at home? Where do you see yourself with your loved ones? Where do you fit in best with your lifestyle? Where can you give the ambience your personal touch with a little imagination and individual decoration?

Outdoor VintagehochzeitThis is the place where you should spend your unforgettable party. And what does perfect actually mean? YOU make it perfect! And for the small inconsistencies there will always be a solution, an alternative that you did not even think of in the beginning.

There is almost nothing that does not exist in the dazzling wedding world. But the many magical possibilities usually exceed the budget expectations of couples. At least if you would like to use them all at the same time at your own wedding. A clear prioritization helps you to concentrate on the essentials again.

What are your three most important requirements for the perfect
Wedding location or even better on the perfect wedding day? Write them down and staple them on the front of your wedding folder. If once again you cannot decide, this reminder will help. And once you've made a decision, it doesn't matter what other options were available. You're a bit further along and can now tackle the next task.

Don't let the wonderfully overexcited wedding bustle drive you crazy and stay with yourself. Find the partners with whom you feel understood and who treat you honestly. Make decisions that suit you and bring some rest to the weeks and months before your big day. Because with all the expectations and ever-longer to-do lists, you should remember that the time before your party is also unique and valuable!

I wish you a great time of anticipation!

Your Anikó

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